What is Botox?

After they’re injected with Botox, facial muscles relax and smooth themselves out while the drug is active. You’ll start to notice the results about three days after your procedure, and the results last roughly three months or more.You’ve likely heard of Botox from friends, family, or coworkers who swear by it. Botox is an injectable drug that temporarily paralyzes the muscles in your face. These muscles are responsible for the formation of wrinkles and lines on your face, becoming deeper and more noticeable with each passing year.

The active ingredient in Botox is called botulinum toxin. In nature, it’s highly toxic and can leave you paralyzed. However, it’s perfectly safe when administered in its injectable form by a licensed professional.

How can Botox improve my appearance?

 You can get Botox injections to improve the appearance of many common signs of aging, including:

  • Crow’s-feet

  • Forehead lines

  • Creases under your eyes

  • Neck bands

  • Vertical lip lines

  • Pebble chin 

Botox can also be used to treat conditions like migraines or excessive underarm sweating. Your doctor at PureMD can give you a full list of uses for Botox at your consultation and answer any questions you have about the treatment. Botox is the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment, with more than 6 million Botox treatments administered each year. ... Botulinum toxin is used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by paralyzing the underlying muscles. People also use Botox to treat excessive sweating, migraines. 

Does it hurt?

Not really a tin pinprick.

How often do I need Botox

Every 3 months

What are some alternatives to Botox? 

We offers other injectables that achieve similar results to Botox, including:

  • Juvederm Juvederm Ultra is an injectable treatment that specifically targets lines around your nose and mouth. Rather than paralyzing your muscles like Botox, it temporarily fills your lines and wrinkles by adding volume to the area.

  • Juvederm Voluma One of the most glaring signs of aging is a gradual loss of volume in your face. Juvederm Voluma is injected in your face to give you fuller cheeks and give your cheekbones a lifted appearance.

  • Juvederm Vollure Juvederm Vollure specifically targets and fills in the lines on the sides of your mouth and chin, called marionette lines.

  • Bellafill Bellafill is an injectable drug that stimulates your skin’s production of collagen. This means that the results last longer than other injectables because your body is doing most of the work. It can be used to improve lines and wrinkles and reduce the appearance of scars.

Losing your wrinkles makes you look young, and in turn, feel more confident. To explore your options for Botox and other injectables, call PureMD or book an appointment online today.


Chemical peels are skin-resurfacing procedures based on chemical solution applied to the skin to remove the top layers and stimulate skin correction and regeneration. They are recommended for:

  • Scars

  • Wrinkles

  • Skin discoloration

  • Acne

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Dryness

  • Pigmentation


What is facial contouring?

Facial contouring, also known as facial sculpting, is an elective cosmetic surgical or non- surgical procedure that improves the general appearance of the face.

What treatment/service will improve my face’s appearance?

  • Facetite

  • Coolsculpt

  • Filler

  • Elite Facial

  • Thread Lift


What is facial rejuvenation ?

Facial rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment, which aims to restore a youthful appearance to the human face. Facial rejuvenation can be achieved through either surgical and/or non-surgical options. Procedures can vary in invasiveness and depth of treatment.

What treatment/service will rejuvenate my face’s appearance?

  • Facetite

  • Botox

  • Filler


Fillers are injectable substances beneath the surface of the skin to add volume and fullness. Fillers, depending of the substances, concentrations and density can be recommended for different areas like the lips, and cheeks.

For the Lips, We recommend  JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC

JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC injectable gel is for injection into the lips for lip augmentation and for correction of perioral lines, often called "lipstick lines" in adults over the age of 21

How long does JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC last?

JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC lasts up to 1 year, with optimal treatment


JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC is a crystal-clear gel that is injected directly into and around the lips using an ultra-fine needle to temporarily plump the lips for lip augmentation and to smooth the appearance of lines around the mouth


JUVÉDERM® XC corrects moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the parentheses lines or "smile lines" around the nose and mouth. JUVÉDERM® XC is injected into areas of facial tissue where moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds occur to temporarily add volume to the skin, which may give the appearance of a smoother surface.

How long does JUVÉDERM® XC last?

JUVÉDERM® XC lasts up to one year with optimal treatment

How does JUVÉDERM® XC work?

JUVÉDERM® XC is injected into areas of facial tissue where moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds occur to temporarily add volume to the skin, which may give the appearance of a smoother surface

for the Cheeks volume and face contouring, we recommend JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC

As you age, the cheeks may flatten and the skin may begin to sag. This is caused by natural loss of volume in the cheek area, or what the experts call age-related midface volume loss. JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC is designed to add volume beneath the skin's surface, which provides lift and contour to the cheek area

How long does JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC last?

JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC provides natural-looking and long-lasting results that last up to 2 years with optimal treatment

How does JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC work?

Over time, due to aging, wrinkles develop on your face, and nasolabial folds may become more visible. JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC is designed to temporarily add volume to the facial wrinkles for a smoother appearance to the face

For Fine Lines we recommend JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC

JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC is injected into the areas of facial tissue where moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds occur, including the "parentheses lines" around the nose and mouth. JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC is designed to temporarily correct facial wrinkles for a smoother appearance to the face for adults over the age of 21

How long does JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC last?

The clinical study demonstrated JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC lasts up to 18 months, with optimal treatment


Over time, due to aging, wrinkles develop on your face, and nasolabial folds may become more visible. JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC is designed to temporarily add volume to the facial wrinkles for a smoother appearance to the face


JUVÉDERM® XC corrects moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the parentheses lines or "smile lines" around the nose and mouth. JUVÉDERM® XC is injected into areas of facial tissue where moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds occur to temporarily add volume to the skin, which may give the appearance of a smoother surface

How long does JUVÉDERM® XC last?

JUVÉDERM® XC lasts up to one year with optimal treatment

How does JUVÉDERM® XC work? 

JUVÉDERM® XC is injected into areas of facial tissue where moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds occur to temporarily add volume to the skin, which may give the appearance of a smoother surface


What is skin tightening & lifting?

Sagging skin is due to two age-related reasons: loss of collagen, which gives skin its elasticity, and loss of fat, the absence of which causes skin to droop. Skin tightening & lifting is a cosmetic procedure or treatment to tighten and lift skin for a more youthful appearance.

What treatment/service will improve my body/face’s appearance?

  • Morpheus8

  • Filler

  • Botox

  • Bodytite

  • Facetite   

Non-Surgical Face Lifts Specialist

Procedures that aren’t surgical are generally safer than invasive surgery. With today’s advancements in aesthetic medicine, nonsurgical techniques for facelifts can give you natural and noticeable results. At Advanced Rejuvenation Clinic in Highland Heights, Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Ohio, the team provides custom nonsurgical facelifts based on your desired results. To find out how you can look younger with a nonsurgical facelift, schedule an appointment or call by phone today.

Traditional facelifts are meant to make you look younger and tighter with a few surgical tweaks. Nonsurgical facelifts achieve similar results through multiple minimally invasive and noninvasive procedures as part of your personalized treatment plan.

Unlike surgical facelifts, nonsurgical facelifts aren’t quite as complicated or risky. You won’t need to go under the knife, and there are many other advantages as well.

What are the advantages of choosing a nonsurgical facelift?

When choosing between a traditional and nonsurgical facelift, there are a number of advantages that come with the nonsurgical option, including:

  • Less recovery time

  • Faster procedure

  • Doesn’t require anesthesia

  • Generally less expensive

  • Gives you natural-looking results

Although the results of nonsurgical facelifts are temporary, they aren’t as dramatic as the results of surgical facelifts. If you want to try a new look temporarily before committing to surgery, you can explore potential new looks with nonsurgical facelifts.

What will my nonsurgical face-lift include?

Your provider will decides which treatments to use for your nonsurgical facelift based on your goals and specifications. Your nonsurgical facelift might include:

Botox: Botox is an injectable drug that decreases the appearance of wrinkles and lines on your face, making you look younger.

Fillers: Fillers are substances that your provider injects into your face to fill the lines and wrinkles and make up for the volume that’s lost as you age.

Fat transfer: If you use liposuction to reduce areas of fat on your body, you can reuse the removed fat by injecting it into areas with volume loss, much like fillers.

Facials: Facials are chemical solutions that are applied to your face. They can firm your skin, clean your pores, and correct issues with the texture.

Microneedling: Microneedling treatments can give the skin on your face a tighter, refreshed look. This reduces wrinkles and lines while improving the texture and tone of your skin.

What will my nonsurgical facelift make me look like?

Your nonsurgical facelift makes you look younger. At Advanced Rejuvenation Aesthetics Clinic, the team’s main objective is to target age-related imperfections such as:

  • Sunken cheeks

  • Thin lips

  • Facial lines (e.g., crow’s-feet, marionette lines)

  • Wrinkles

Some procedures also give you smoother, even-toned skin. Your provider at Advanced Rejuvenation Aesthetics clinic decides which procedures are right for you and can help you work toward your goals. You can get a safe nonsurgical facelift that makes you look younger and feel self-confident. To schedule a consultation, call the office nearest you or book your appointment online today.



No matter how often you exercise or how well you’ve turned your diet around, a few small resistant pockets of fat can stay on your body. The team at Advanced Rejuvenation Aesthetics in Highland Heights, Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Ohio, offer liposuction with Smartlipo for less fat with minimal recovery time. If you’re uncomfortable with the fat on your body, call us a consultation online today to explore your liposuction options.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a fat-trimming procedure that gives you a slimmer, contoured figure. The team at Advanced Clinics uses an advanced system called Smartlipo to perform liposuction procedures. While traditional liposuction is invasive and risky, Smartlipo is minimally invasive and therefore safer and more gentle. During your SmartLipo procedure, your doctor marks the areas to target and injects a local anesthetic to keep you from feeling pain from the treatment. Then, they insert a small tube into your body in the marked area. A laser fiber attached to the tube melts your fat cells, disrupting them until they rupture. The tube easily sucks the ruptured fat cells out of your body, and your body absorbs any fluids or waste that remains. After the procedure, you’ll enjoy a slimmer, tighter body.

How can liposuction improve my body’s appearance?

Liposuction with Smartlipo can target any part of your body where fat accumulates. Patients have used SmartLipo to achieve:

  • Slimmer arms

  • Defined jawline

  • Smaller waist

  • Thinner thighs

  • Flatter stomach

Liposuction also tightens the skin in your fatty areas so it doesn’t look loose or flappy with less fat under it. The results are permanent as long as you continue to live a healthy lifestyle and don’t gain an excessive amount of weight.

Can I use liposuction to transfer fat to other areas?

 Yes, liposuction is frequently used for fat transfer. For example, if your thighs are thick but your buttocks lack volume, you can remove some fat from your thighs with liposuction and have it injected into them. Your body is able to tolerate fat transfer procedures well because it’s your own fat that’s being injected. People frequently choose to transfer fat into their breasts, buttocks, hands, and face.

Is liposuction safe?

Because Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure, it’s much safer than traditional liposuction. During the traditional method, the doctor makes an incision and manually moves a vacuum-like tube around your fatty area. This puts you at a high risk of damage to the tissues that surround your fat. With Smartlipo, there is little chance of unnecessary injury and tissue damage. The laser attached to the Smartlipo device helps stop any potential bleeding by heating and closing nearby blood vessels. This helps your body heal faster and avoid the bruising and swelling that makes recovery slow and difficult. After your Smartlipo session, you can comfortably return to work within 24 hours.

Having excess fat on your body can affect your self-esteem. For a safe liposuction with the option to transfer your fat, call Advanced Rejuvenation Aesthetics Clinic to book a consultation today.